
Those who work with children every day serve a critical role in the early identification of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Through regular interaction with children of all ages, teachers, counselors, and other education professionals can quickly note behaviors and traits that may be important early warning signals of ASDs.

Through the collaborative work of the Missouri Autism Guidelines Initiative, educators can now confidently point families to a clear set of best practices designed to improve the way ASDs are screened, diagnosed, and assessed for intervention planning in Missouri.

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Missouri Best Practice Guidelines to Screening, Diagnosis, and Assessment is built on a collaborative community model that recognizes that a child and his or her family are best served through a tightly integrated and well-coordinated team of professionals. A second publication, Autism Spectrum Disorders: Guide to Evidence-based Interventions, reinforces these concepts.

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Guide to Evidence-based Interventions can be ordered at no cost or can be downloaded now, along with its Summary. The 2010 companion guide, Autism Spectrum Disorders: Missouri Best Practice Guidelines for Screening, Diagnosis, and Assessment is available online, along with overviews for families, clinicians and service providers and educators.