
The words “autism spectrum disorder” are frightening for a family to hear. But the fact is that early diagnosis and treatment of ASDs can often improve a child’s ability to learn, socialize, and build a productive life. That’s why a panel of parents and professionals teamed up to produce Missouri’s first guidelines for ASD screening, diagnosing, and assessment for intervention planning and now, a second publication, Autism Spectrum Disorders: Guide to Evidence-based Interventions.

Through Autism Spectrum Disorders: Missouri Best Practice Guidelines for Screening, Diagnosis, and Assessment, families can be assured that there are clear, consistent processes in place to guide health professionals through these critical early steps, always keeping the focus on families.

That means respecting families’ questions and concerns, as well as the emotional, educational, and day-to-day challenges that can come with an ASD diagnosis.

Both books recommend that professionals include parents as partners, recognizing and respecting parents’ knowledge about their own children and focusing on families’ concerns.

More information about ASD services in Missouri can also be found at thompsonfoundation.org/ and dmh.mo.gov/dd/autism/.

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Guide to Evidence-based Interventions can be ordered at no cost or can be downloaded now, along with its Summary. The 2010 companion guide, Autism Spectrum Disorders: Missouri Best Practice Guidelines for Screening, Diagnosis, and Assessment is available online, along with overviews for families, clinicians and service providers and educators.